mostly pictures of the kids, maybe some links, and probably some music.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

This Week

This week has been ok so far. We dropped in on a local community center and they have daily public playtimes with lots and lots of toys that aren't boring yet. We will be back there often during the winter. We had Grandma over for a lunch visit on Wednesday. We have slowly but surly increasing the length of her naps with a couple of hour long ones and an hour and a half one yesterday. We aren't out of the woods yet, most are still 35 minutes, but we shall struggle on. Teething kicked in again today, but not too bad.

The weirdest part about today was eating. Two things were going on - in the house she wanted to feed herself - which is a good thing - except that she only wanted to eat Kiwi and Banana and those tend to mush up before they make it to her mouth. Outside the house she would eat anything that was offered, but it had to been in a specific order otherwise she gave the spoon the big brush off. Today she ate her first dim sum; tofu bun, veggie bun, spring roll, sesame ball. She liked it all, but the yellow bean paste in the sesame ball was the clear winner followed closely by the tofu.

We were downtown by the dim sum place because we had a doctors appointment. She had this wicked diaper rash and bruises on her face and legs. The doctor looked her over and pronounced her fit and fine and sent us on our merry way. (In the doctors defense - we had already pretty much vanquished the rash and the bruises were clearing up.)

I love being home, and although it is WAY more work in some ways than going to work I don't want it to end. For my coworkers who think i am on vacation (yes Mr. Lopez - I am looking at you) I can only say, try it yourselves gents and let me know how vacationy it is.


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