mostly pictures of the kids, maybe some links, and probably some music.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Toothpaste of the Month April 2007

Monkey Brand Black Toothpowder.

Close your eyes and imagine this. Charcoal, ground to a fine powder. Vicks Vapor Rub, in all it’s eye watering, nasal clearing goodness. Now imagine these two things together, in your mouth!

Monkey Brand Black Toothpowder – April 2007s Toothpaste of the Month.
Sure, at first imagining, Charcoal plus Vicks Vapor Rub may not sound too appetizing; and I will admit that it is an acquired taste. Once you have acquired the taste though, and the ability to stomach the gritty, dry, gagging texture, you have a toothpaste that gets your mouth clean like no other. It is a bit like sandblasting the gunk off your teeth. They are really squeaky clean after the rinse. And believe it or not, it is both a whitening toothpaste and an Ayurvedic Medicine! Oh Monkey Brand has it’s down side, the spatter of black dried spit that coats the sink and walls, the aforementioned texture and the container that is strangely hard to open. Don’t let that deter you though, sweep those negatives aside. Join the Monkey Crew and get your teeth clean in a way you never imagined before.

Monkey Brand Black Toothpowder - April 2007s Toothpaste of the Month


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in Abu Dhabi several years ago and bought some of this stuff, and it was so horrible I thought there was some kind of mistake in the labeling. I could have sworn that it was some kind of industrial cleaner. I couldn't believe it was actually designed to be put in a human mouth.

8:14 PM

Blogger bunnyboy said...

Yes the monkey can be quite a shock when you first try it. I will admit, I was taken aback. But if you really want to try industrial cleaner stylee, give the eagle brand a try, or a bit brushfull of Vicco Powder. Yikes!

4:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh sweet lord i need to find this at some local market. looks a little obscure to find on the interwebs.

12:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know, the realy way to use this product is with your finger? Thats the key trick they dobt mention anywhere on the tin. You get the same effect of a squeaky clean mouth with less of the mess. Also you keep ypur tongue back as much as possible to avoid the gritty taste/texture. Dip a wet finger into the black powder and brush over your teeth, using the same action as you would with a normal toothbrush. This product works amazingly well.

6:55 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can I find this tooth powder?

7:03 PM

Blogger bunnyboy said...

Well Anonymous, I am not sure where you live, being anonymous and all, but, I would suggest checking any "little india, pakistan or bangladesh" near where you live. Any of the grocery stores should have it in the oral care aisle. I would recommend buying yourself some Vicco toothpaste (not the powder) while you are there. With the Vicco and the Monkey, you will never go back to colgate (although the indian colgate powder is quite a thrill.) If you are in Toronto I recommend Iqbal's Halal Foods which is at #1 Thorncliffe Drive in East York. It is the tiny teeny stubby little bit of Thorncliffe behind the Tim Hortons and the Mosque. It is an industrial plaza, but full of Pakistani goodness. Let me know if you get some.

9:09 PM

Blogger bunnyboy said...

Well Anonymous, I am not sure where you live, being anonymous and all, but, I would suggest checking any "little india, pakistan or bangladesh" near where you live. Any of the grocery stores should have it in the oral care aisle. I would recommend buying yourself some Vicco toothpaste (not the powder) while you are there. With the Vicco and the Monkey, you will never go back to colgate (although the indian colgate powder is quite a thrill.) If you are in Toronto I recommend Iqbal's Halal Foods which is at #1 Thorncliffe Drive in East York. It is the tiny teeny stubby little bit of Thorncliffe behind the Tim Hortons and the Mosque. It is an industrial plaza, but full of Pakistani goodness. Let me know if you get some.

9:10 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Bunnyboy for all the good info. I live in the Seattle/Tacoma area of Washington. I will check out the advice you gave to try and find the monkey brand tooth powder. I am curious why the vicco paste and not the powder? I have been told most paste has glycerin in it and it is hard to rinse off! That is why I have been trying to stay with a powder. Do you think this Iqbal's will send in the mail?
Thanks again,

11:24 AM

Anonymous Ijsy said...

I live in the middle of nowhere Montana. Is there anywhere online I can buy this stuff?

11:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just discovered this article with a fluke, and took interest in it as the manufacturers of the powder are from my town!! (i.e Dombivali, India). What a coincidence... And I had used this powder once, and loved it. Actually, in a strange way, I loved its taste, too. And Anonymous is right- it is supposed to be used when brushing with fingers, and not a toothbrush.(it's the traditional Indian way of brushing one's teeth.)


3:40 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those that are interested....

6:22 PM

Blogger sokodukasales said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

8:06 PM

Anonymous SokoDuka said...

Buy it from my Sokoduka at:

8:11 PM

Blogger Vidya Santosh said...

So, at first, I thought the cap was hard to remove, too....try unscrewing it :)

5:10 PM

Blogger Shanthiz said...

Husk ash in kerala

5:56 AM


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