mostly pictures of the kids, maybe some links, and probably some music.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Sorry Sorry

Sorry Sorry

It has been a long time since I wrote anything on here and needless to say loads has changed

J is well set into daycare. She seems to look forward to going in the morning, and there are several workers that she is smitten with. Sure, some mornings when I leave her she gets a little weepy, but on the majority of the mornings she is all like “see you later” and I am all like “boo hoo hoo – my baby is growing up so fast”.

J is a total walker. She has been working on it for the last 2 weeks or so, but by yesterday she was walking at least 90% of the time, and any crawling was usually just to get somewhere she could pull herself up. Yesterday she and her mother (who is the daily picker upper to my dropper offer) walked down the block, hand in hand, and I am all like “boo hoo hoo – my baby is growing up so fast”.

J has regained most of her appetite (she was sick for a couple of weeks), but has mysteriously gone off fruit. It used to be she was a fruit-a-holic, now she pretty much only eats grapes. I think she eats differently at daycare, but in the morning it is just the grapes from the fruit salad, and some of the cottage cheese. She will eat her morning hot cereal (and shreddies), but she insists on wearing at least half of it, and most of that in her hair.

J is adding new words. Hat and Shoe are the standouts for the last few days. For a while I kept thinking she was saying Hot and not Hat, but I clued in when she kept pointing to my head. Speaking of Hot, she received a lesson in it’s meaning the other morning. Despite my telling her no a number of times she insisted on sticking her finger into the steam vent on the humidifier. Many many tears followed, but she has avoided it since.

J has a new tooth bringing the number to 8, and is totally working on the next one right now. I am really glad I don’t have to nurse a teething baby. Sure I envy the closeness of nursing – but I like my nipples on my body

N and I both had haircuts. Mine really needed it. In fact my hair was so damaged that Anna Maria (former neighbour and stylist) had to cut off more than half. I am not sure I like the look on me, but my hair looks better. Boy oh boy did I have a lot of grey hair in the pile on the floor.

The teenager has just completed her first exams of 2007. Helped her with studying. Even for math, although that was like me reading something phonetically – I had simply no idea what I was saying.

I am back at work. The first week was quite the shock. I found it so tiring, and confusing, and I missed my time with J. Now as I approach the end of week 2 I am right back into the groove, sadly it is like I never left. Even though I have just been away for 4 months, and even though I love the convenience of having work so close to home I have decided to leave my current employer and try something new. I have resigned, and February 2nd is my last day. I don’t have a new job yet, but I have a couple of promising leads and shouldn’t find it too difficult to land employment. If I need to I will go freelance. Maybe one day I will get up the nerve to leave the ad industry and try something totally different, but for now I will stick with what I know.

I am not going to make any promises about being more regular with my postings, at least not until my work situation is settled, but I am still enjoying myself here, and don't plan to quit.


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