mostly pictures of the kids, maybe some links, and probably some music.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Beard Papa Lets Us Down

We slept nearly the whole day away, and it was raining and cold, so as I stumbled around waking up Morag did her laundry. We left the residence around 7ish and walked to a nearby plaza for dinner. While there we went through The Lonely Planet to plan our next week. TLP talks about a place called Beard Papa, I mentioned this to Morag and she went into rapture about the cream buns you can get at Beard Papa, and didn't it turn out that there was one only a short bus ride away at the Times Square Mall (home of the worlds longest outdoor overhead LED TV screen). So onto the bus we hop.

Down through the mall (did someone say this was a Communist country? you cannot tell that from the high end malls in the cities) into the food court. There is Beard Papa. Sadly, there are no cream buns, well there are some, but they are in the oven, come back in 20 minutes. OK, walk around the really high-end mall, look at stuff we can't afford, marvel at the huge TV screen in the sky (and it was only partially on), buy some Chinese style junk food (kim chi potato chips, blueberry potato chips) in the really expensive grocery store, and head back to Beard Papa. Sorry, there are no cream buns, what? but you said? sorry, dang! Back on the bus and back to campus. Morag gets chatting to friends here, and on the Internet, so I do laundry, read some comic books and drink a beer. As I sit here typing this, my poor tired ass is reminding me that I just spent 23 hours on a train and to please give it a break. Tomorrow we tour Suzhou. 


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